Wholesale Live Bait Shipped Right to Your Business

Shipping to Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York

FREE Shipping On Your First Case!

FREE Shipping On Your First Order!

Our Wholesale Products

We can only offer $20 shipping to businesses that are within one day shipping of our facility.
Otherwise click to call 814-599-2854 for a shipping estimate. For custom cases please call or text 814-599-2854

Shipping Live Bait Is What We Do Best

Starting in 1994, our family-owned business originally served as the go-to delivery for bait & tackle businesses across Pennsylvania. Since then, we've expanded into mail-order services now shipping to Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York. Jumbo Bait Company is proud to offer the best quality, live Canadian Nightcrawlers, Dillies, Neon Nightcrawlers, Trout Worms, Mealworms, and Wax Worms. To stock up on best-selling bait from a reputable wholesaler, place your order today!
